Striped Hyaena

Hyaenas are mammals of the family ‘Hyaenidae’. They are very similar to the canine but their familiarity is more to Herpestidae family. Hyaenas have the strongest jaws among all animals. They have fairly big pointed ears and a medium furry tail. Their arms are strong and bigger than their legs. They keep their heads down while walking and it seems like they have humps. They are nocturnal animals but sometimes they are seen early in the morning and evenings. They live individually and in pairs and sometimes in families. They usually live in natural holes or caves or manmade holes. They have excellent smelling and can smell food from kilometers far. Hyaenas feed from the leftovers and have an important role in cleaning the environment and preventing the spread of diseases and contaminations. Hyaenas can break very hard bones such as a donkey’s leg bone using their powerful jaws. Their stomach is very acidic and can digest almost all parts of the food even bones. They return undigested parts of their food. They do not have any natural predators but sometimes are killed by the leopards. They have been seen in all plains and heights of Aliabad private protected area.

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