Kerman sheep is a subdivision of mammals, even-toed ungulates and the family Bovidae. They are diurnal and usually feed early in the morning, in the afternoon and then rest during the day. They are very social and have very good smelling and eyesight. They feed from fodder, bush, and tree leaves but they also eat the foliage less than the wild goats. They mainly live in high foothills and hillsides. This mammal is classified as protected species in the country and is classified as VU (vulnerable) according to IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Their natural enemies are the wolves, leopards, cheetahs, and dogs. Their population is decreasing very fast in the country because of their habitat destruction, water places, the hunting of their lambs and thus, in some areas their population is completely extinct. According to the studies, wild sheep in this area are from Kerman subspecies and there are a few of them living in Chahmil.

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